Check out these commonly asked questions to see if your issue is something you can resolve on your own. If your question isn’t answered or you need help with something else, complete and submit the contact form, including a phone number where we can reach you directly. etHIN representatives are available to assist you Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern.
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Frequently asked questions
I don’t remember my eHIP username or password. What should I do?
Please contact the etHIN Help Desk at 865-691-8433, ext. 1 or email Representatives are available to assist you Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern time.
How do I change my eHIP Clinical Viewer password?
If you know your eHIP username and your current password, click Change Password on the eHIP login in screen, then follow the instructions on the screen. Remember to follow the displayed criteria when creating your new password.
If you don’t know your eHIP password, please contact the etHIN Help Desk at 865-691-8433, ext. 1 or We will be happy to help you change your password.
How often do I have to change my password?
You must change your password every 365 days.
Will I be notified when it’s time to change my password?
When it’s time to change your password, you will see a message informing you that your password has expired when you attempt to login. Follow the instructions on the screen to create a new password. For added security, we recommend changing your password more frequently than required.
Can I change my eHIP username?
Usernames are assigned by etHIN and cannot be changed.
How often do I have to log in to keep my user credentials active?
You must log into the eHIP Clinical Viewer portal at least once each 60 days to prevent your account from being suspended.
I’m getting an error message when I try to log in to the Clinical Viewer. What should I do?
There could be multiple reasons you aren’t able to log in. Please contact etHIN’s HelpDesk at 865-691-8433, ext. 1 or email If you leave a message, be sure to include your name and a phone number where we can contact you directly.
My company uses Single Sign On (SSO). Who should I call if I have a problem?
Please contact your organization’s internal Help Desk if you have issues. etHIN does not have access to your EHR system and cannot assist you.
Which healthcare organizations share data through etHIN?
etHIN receives data from multiple hospitals, clinics, private practices, labs, and long-term care/SNFs. Here is a list of etHIN’s current data participants and the information they make available through the HIE.
How often is the information in etHIN updated?
Participants contribute data to etHIN in real-time, meaning the information it automatically sent to etHIN when it is entered in the participant’s EHR system. Authorized users can access data through the eHIP Clinical Viewer, or if your organization is participating in Single Sign On (SSO), you will be able to see etHIN data in the patient’s record in your EHR.
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