Healthcare providers - Frequently Asked Questions
What information is available through etHIN?
Participating healthcare providers can view the following types of information for patients they have a relationship with:
- Demographic Information
- Lab and Pathology Reports
- Allergies
- Medication History
- Office Notes
- Transcribed Reports
- Radiology Reports and Images
- Hospital Progress Notes and Discharge Summaries
Am I able I participate in data exchange if I don’t have an EMR system?
The eHIP Clinical Viewer is a web-based portal that participants can access simply by having internet access and login credentials from etHIN.
etHIN also offers Direct Secure Messaging, which is a HIPAA compliant, healthcare-only secure email service that allows providers to share patient information, referrals, and have secure email conversations with other healthcare providers who also use Direct.
How can I access patient information through etHIN?
After becoming an etHIN participant, healthcare providers with a patient TPO relationship will have access to the eHIP Clinical Viewer, where clinical data is available in the eHIP online portal.
etHIN can also integrate with your EMR, enabling you to see data from etHIN inside your EMR when viewing a patient record. This service is known as Single Sign On (SSO). Data available in etHIN is not automatically downloaded to your EMR system when you view a patient record.
Which healthcare providers share data through etHIN?
Multiple area hospital systems, physician groups, long term care/SNFs, and other healthcare providers share data with the community through etHIN. View the list of Participants who share data.
What is the cost to participate in etHIN?
The cost depends on the etHIN services you use for information sharing. You can see our service offerings here.
etHIN will work with you to determine your needs and then offer the solutions that would be the most useful to help you achieve your goals.
Contact us for more information or call 865-691-8433.
How does etHIN comply with the Cures Act Information Blocking rule?
etHIN implements its HIE technology, including all supported interfaces and data transports, in a manner reasonably determined to ensure its HIE technology complies with available data exchange standards, applicable Policies, Participant Agreements, and applicable law to enable and allow for timely exchange of structured electronic health information in a secure and trusted bi-directional manner with and among Participants of the HIE.
etHIN will comply with the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act applicable to health information networks and health information exchanges, including any regulations and guidance issued relating to information blocking under 42 U.S.C. § 300jj-52.
etHIN will not knowingly or willingly take any action to limit or to restrict the interoperability of any of its HIE software or the EHR software of its connected Participants.
etHIN responds in good faith and in a timely manner to requests to retrieve or exchange electronic health information, from and among etHIN Participants, in compliance with applicable law and active Participant DSAs.
etHIN acknowledges that it may engage in reasonable and necessary activities that may impact requests to access, exchange or use electronic health information stored or made available through the etHIN network. Any such activities will be based on etHIN’s good faith belief that such activities meet the conditions of an exception to the information blocking rules identified by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in 45 C.F.R. Parts 170 and 171 or any subsequent regulation or guidance.